Do you feel emotionally drained? Is your mind constantly racing with negative thoughts?
If so, it’s important to become aware of what you’re feeding your mind. Paying attention to content you’re reading, hearing, and seeing can help you to understand where some unmindful practices can be coming into play. Feeing your mind with uplifting and productive content can help to fuel your energy.
If you want to have natural long-lasting energy throughout the day, try out these 5 Powerful Ways to Raise Your Vibration.
1. Meditate for 30 Minutes
If I ever feel stuck trying to figure something out – meditation is my go-to trick. As little as 5 minutes of meditation can leave you feeling refreshed and fill your mind with clear and concise inspiring ideas. Getting into meditation can be challenging. But one tip that has helped me to remain focused is playing instrumental meditation music while practicing a deep breathing exercise.
2. Make a Gratitude List
Jot down every little aspect of your life you are grateful for. Small things that you may take for granted such as your bed, warm water, or access to clean food are important to note. In order to receive more blessings in your life, you have to be thankful for the current ones. Like attracts like and whatever you choose to focus your energy into will return to you.
3. Use Pinterest
Pinterest is the perfect visual vision board. Planning out exciting areas of your life such as your career, wardrobe, dream house, can leave you feeling inspired. That sense of excitement you get when planning is powerful and the hack to manifestation.
4. Go for a Walk
Rest your eyes from any screens and go for a walk. As you step outside, take a moment to notice the colours on the trees or to hear sound of the birds. These are mindful practices to be in the present moment. Anxiety and depression can stem from not being in the moment. So if you ever find yourself in those situations, try going for a walk to instantly clear your mind of any negative thinking to continue having a productive day.
5. Do an Act of Kindness
Do good for someone else without expectations to instantly raise your vibration. Simple ways you can do this is by giving genuine compliments, participating in a charity event, or telling someone how much you appreciate them. Completing an act of kindness does not have to mean spending money. It’s the thoughts you do to make someone’s life better.
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